Prague Funfair Orchestra

Pražský pouťový orchestr

/Staropražské písně, jazz, swing, folk, evergreeny, šansony, autorská tvorba/


Zpět na seznam textů
Lukáš Fišer/Lukáš Fišer
DVD Prague Funfair Orchestra, Česká paráda

My aunty went nuts	
At night on the stair	
And all of her neighbors
Went crazy for her
Even that dull man
From the second floor
Wanted her so much
He camped at her door
Aunt got tired of that lust
And she became cynic
She decided that she must
Go hide in the clinic
Time was passing pleasantly
Her motion was prudent 
She enjoyed CPR courses
With medical student
Two kinds of them people
Live on planet Earth
Either a bit crazy ones
Or boring since their birth
Who thinks life is petty
Wants something amazing
Try to catch a yeti
Before you go crazy